One more thing off the Bucket List

Jason has been here for 4 days to have a break from the ongoing Calgary winter (it just won’t stop snowing!) so we’ve been pretty busy, and I haven’t had any time to put together a blog post but you can be assured that we’ve had plenty of fun. Here’s a short synopsis of our past few days.

We’ve played a tremendous amount of Pickleball, as Jason loves the game as much as his Mother does. He’s sure fast though, something to do with being young and fit I guess.

We’ve had lots more visits with our friends and neighbours here, many of whom are continuing to abandon us and head back north towards home.

On Tuesday Jason and I abandoned Sylvia and took off for Tucson to spend the day. We left early and arrived at the Pima Air Museum just before 10:00 and spent 6 hours wandering the grounds and taking a couple of tours of the static displays and the immense ‘boneyard’ of decommissioned aircraft that the military stockpiles at the Air Force base.

After driving around town for a bit we made our way to the Tucson Arena to attend the Joe Bonamassa concert. For those of you who don’t know, he’s a fairly young Blues guitarist. He started the show with an acoustic version of Woke Up Dreaming which is my favourite song of his, and closed the set with a 15 minute version of The Ballad of John Henry which is Sylvia’s favourite. Too bad she decided to let us have a boys day out.

I’ll post pictures in a few days when I get some time to sit down and pull them off my camera. Right now we’re off to play some more Pickleball!


2 responses to “One more thing off the Bucket List

  1. Spring has sprung in the River. Our star magnolia is in bloom. 🙂 Sun shining again this morning. This is the day the hedge comes down across the road, together with the two trees on the west side of the house, and the holly tree. It’s to make room for a fence for dogs and grandkids….and more flowers. You won’t recognize your old place, but it’s certainly being well loved. Mike, next door is using an electric scooter now. He’s retired from the city and having some serious mobility problems, but we love his solutions. He motors out to the part of the yard he wants to work in, uses the scooter for frequent rests, but is doing more yard work this year than in the past. This morning there’s a little Tyke’s trailer hooked on to the back of the scooter, for moving bags of yard waste out to the curb. What do they say about old age and ingenuity? Jerry finally got hydro, etc., to move the drops into Mike’s place. They have been an aerial trespass since we moved here, but it’s just too dangerous now, for Jerry to be on the top of a step ladder along the retaining wall, pruning the laurel to keep it out of the hydro. Another win!. I’m going to yoga twice a week, which is helping. I need to use the walker on walks, but still moving. Hope you have a safe return. I hear the snow is all gone. Our boarder commutes back and forth from Winfield, and brings us updates. She’s a commercial diver…nice young woman. I can do better than sex in a pan, if you ever get back to CR. Miss you guys.


  2. Fast time for the guys in Tucson. Good stuff. The worst part about taking a break from Calgary is having to return to the same old snow and cold. But….a bit of a break is truly a nice change for Jason, no doubt.


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